The Comix Reader: Issue 4
The Comix Reader is an alternative comics newspaper that attempts to reignite the free spirit of the underground press. It presents a unique blend of established talent, new discoveries, outsider art and unsung heroes of the art form. It’s contributors are a rogues gallery of the UK’s funniest, edgiest and weirdest cartoonists.
The Comix Reader is an experiment in distribution and publishing. The comic is half distributed by Diamond, and half by the contributors themselves. 9,000 copies are printed and paid for by the artists. Diamond then takes orders from traditional comic outlets, and the "Comix Strippers" take it everywhere else. The paper is sold at music festivals, comedy gigs, in pubs, bookshops, record shops, on the beach and on the street.
24 pages by 24 artists
“The creative minds behind the Comix Reader are an enthusiastic and prolific group of contributors whose sketch jams, talks and meetings make for an unprecedented underground scene.” Gosh! Comics